last weekend i went to fraser island, the world´s largest sand island at the eastcoast of australia. i went on a booked tour which i usually don´t like too much but this time it was quite useful because the driver/guide told us a lot about the island, it´s history, their vegetation,... and took us to beauuuutiful places!
some plant - shame i forgot the name... can anyone help out?
this was an amazing natural "pool" - never seen such crystal clear water before!
"coffeerocks" - actually a mixture between sand and rotten vegetation necessary for trees to grow on. if you rub it with your fingers it looks like coffee powder! i wouldn´t use it for my cappuccino though - just because the awakening effect wouldn´t work ;)
beach cruising - rainy edition
beach cruising - sunny edition
some plant - shame i forgot the name... can anyone help out?
this was an amazing natural "pool" - never seen such crystal clear water before!
"coffeerocks" - actually a mixture between sand and rotten vegetation necessary for trees to grow on. if you rub it with your fingers it looks like coffee powder! i wouldn´t use it for my cappuccino though - just because the awakening effect wouldn´t work ;)
beach cruising - rainy edition
beach cruising - sunny edition
ahhh wie schön!! schwer vorstellbar, dass das aktuelle bilder sind - und das wir hier nur deshalb gerade zwischen schneematsch und wolken herumstapfen, weil wir in der falschen gegend wohnen! ;) ganz liebe grüße, catha