Februar 04, 2009

seriously studying ...

i proudly present... the royal children's hospital! that's my place to be from 8 to 5 since monday. i'm attached to the department of paediatric surgery which also includes a special burns unit. it seems to be very well known especially for burns throughout australia and asia. for me it's a great opportunity to see and learn about something that is not very common in germany since we don't have as many burns as they have in australia/asia. a reason might be that these parts of the world aren't as developed as germany and some people are just less careful regarding fire/hot water/...
medical students in their 'elective period' like me are required to follow the doctors and observe (clinics, theatre,...) rather than taking part in the daily work on the wards. it's quite different from what i had experienced in germany but that was also one of the reasons why i chose australia and the british system of medical students' education for a part of my last year. doctors immediately start to explain but also ask questions which is really good to get an old brain moving ;)
a girl from manchester also does an 8 weeks elective with paediatric surgery so i'm not the only one who can't answer the questions ;)

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